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'@pinia/nuxt', '@nuxtjs/i18n', ], css:[ '~/assets/css/style.css' ], // modules: [ // '@nuxtjs/tailwindcss', // 'nuxt-headlessui' // // ], // headlessui: { // prefix: 'Headless' // }, app: { pageTransition: { name: 'slide-right', mode: 'out-in' }, }, // @ts-ignore "i18n": { strategy: 'prefix', locales: ['en', 'de'], // used in URL path prefix defaultLocale: 'en', // default locale of your project for Nuxt pages and routings vueI18n: { legacy: false, locale: 'en', messages: { en: { welcome: 'Welcome', "adaptive_soundscap":"Adaptive soundscape", "Account":"Account", "Subscription":"Subscription", "Soundscape Settings":"Soundscape Settings", "FAQ":"FAQ", "Imprint":"Imprint", "Data Protection":"Data Protection", "Terms & Conditions":"Terms & Conditions", "Settings":"Settings", "Lagoon":"Lagoon", "Tropics":"Tropics", "Forest":"Forest", "Meadow":"Meadow", "Headphones Type":"Headphones Type", "In-Ear":"In-Ear", "Over-Ear":"Over-Ear", "ANC":"ANC", "No":"No", "Yes":"Yes", "About Mindboost":"About Mindboost", "1 Scope":"1 Scope", "27 c":"27 c", "70569 Stuttgart":"70569 Stuttgart", "(hereafter Fraunhofer-IBP)":"(hereafter Fraunhofer-IBP)", "Telephone":"Telephone", "80686 Munich":"80686 Munich", "4 Sharing of Data":"4 Sharing of Data", "5 Cookies":"5 Cookies", "6 data subject rights":"6 data subject rights", "7 Data Security":"7 Data Security", "Edit Account":"Edit Account", "First Name":"First Name", "Surname":"Surname", "Password":"Password", "Email":"Email", "Save Changes":"Save Changes", "Loading...":"Loading...", "The":"The", "HOME":"HOME", // FAQ SECTION "answer_9":"An effect occurs the moment you put on your headphones and play a soundscape. Disturbing background sounds are immediately analysed and a suitable masking sound is generated in real time, which increases your ability to concentrate. In the case of sudden, drastic changes in the ambient sounds, however, it may take a few seconds until the masking sound has fully adapted to the new soundscape.", "question_9":"When can I expect an increase in performance with Mindboost?", "answer_8_4":"Once you have set the basic masking sound volume, you should turn on the adaptive soundscape option so that the masking sound can optimally adapt to the ambient sounds and always becomes quieter when there are no distractions and louder again when ambient sounds are particularly disturbing. This ensures that the masking sound is always just loud enough to protect against external disturbances and at the same time as quiet and pleasant as possible.", "answer_8_3":"Now you should set an optimal volume for yourself, at which the ambient noise is just barely audible, in order to calibrate Mindboost. However, make sure that the volume is still comfortable. If the ambient noise is too loud (e.g. next to a construction site), the Mindboost technology also reaches its limits (tip: ANC headphones attenuate the ambient noise more than conventional headphones, which means that effective sound masking is already ensured at significantly lower sound levels). ", "answer_8_2":"Now you can choose a Mindboost soundscape that matches your current mood or task. ", "answer_8_1":"Connect your headphones to your computer or smartphone and open the Mindboost web app in your browser. Be sure to give the Mindboost website permission to access your computer or smartphone's microphone.", "question_8":"How do I use Mindboost correctly?", "answer_7":"The best time to use Mindboost technology is when you need to focus on a task. Even when there are no distractions, the binaural beats and alpha waves help you stay focused. It doesn't matter whether you're writing a text, reading something carefully, thinking about a problem, meditating or simply seeking a moment of peace.", "question_7":"When can I use Mindboost?", "answer_6":"Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) is a technology that suppresses unwanted noise using counter sound. Check the description of your headphones to see if they are equipped with the ANC function. Make sure that the function is activated.", "question_6":"What are Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) headphones?", "answer_5":"The short answer is no. Mindboost technology works with all headphones, but we recommend using ANC headphones for the best experience.\n" + "Different headphones attenuate ambient noise to different degrees due to design and technology. Closed over-ear headphones, for example, attenuate ambient noise much better than open over-ear headphones.\n" + "Headphones equipped with active noise cancelling (ANC) are able to reduce ambient noise by 30-20 decibels. That's pretty good, but we can still hear conversations in our immediate vicinity, for example, and the resulting distraction can still be enormous. \n" + "The advantage of using Mindboost in combination with ANC headphones is as follows: the quieter the distracting sounds are, the quieter and therefore more pleasant the masking sound can be played, which covers up the distracting sounds.\n", "question_5":"Do I need special headphones to use Mindboost?", "answer_4":"The videos on YouTube are short clips of our Harmonic Masking Sound, which remain static. This means that, unlike the paid web app, they do not adapt to ambient noise and therefore cannot reliably protect you from distractions. In the paid web app, the harmonic masking sounds adapt to the respective ambient noise in real time and all the full versions of the masking sounds are also available.", "question_4":"What is the difference between the Mindboost videos on YouTube and the Mindboost web app?", "answer_3":"Conventional masking sounds such as so-called \"white noise\" are often subjectively perceived as disturbing and are therefore usually not a reasonable option to increase the ability to concentrate. Furthermore, the volume and the masking properties are not adapted to the noise to be masked. \n" + "Mindboost therefore analyses your ambient sound and automatically evaluates how it impairs your ability to concentrate. Mindboost is based on scientific findings in psychoacoustics, which are the result of research by the Fraunhofer Institute. From this analysis, Mindboost generates a masking sound that has the properties that optimally mask the respective disturbing ambient noises at all times. In addition, the tonal properties of the masking sound are modified by harmonic components so that the masking sound sounds as pleasant as possible.\n", "question_3":"What distinguishes Mindboost technology from conventional static masking sounds?", "answer_2":"Yes. The Mindboost technology is based on research results in psychoacoustics and was developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics. The sounds and their effect on our cognitive performance were psychoacoustically validated in listening tests at Fraunhofer IBP.", "question_2":"Can the effect of Mindboost be scientifically proven?", "answer_part_2":"Mindboost therefore analyses your ambient sound and automatically evaluates how it impairs your ability to concentrate. Mindboost is based on scientific findings in psychoacoustics, which are the result of research by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP. From this analysis, Mindboost generates a harmonic masking sound that has the properties that optimally mask the respective disturbing ambient noise at all times.", "answer_part_1":"The psychoacoustic effect of masking can make distracting sounds inaudible. \n" + "However, conventional masking sounds such as so-called \"whitenoise\" are often subjectively perceived as disturbing and are therefore usually not a reasonable option to protect the ability to concentrate.", "question1":"How does Mindboost help me increase my productivity?", // End FAQ SECTION "The background noise at your workplace provides a long’term healthy basis for concentrated work. With Mindboost you make sure that even sudden disturbances do not distract you.":"The background noise at your workplace provides a long’term healthy basis for concentrated work. With Mindboost you make sure that even sudden disturbances do not distract you.", "Good Environment":"Good Environment", "The background noise at your workplace should be optimized. In the long term, it could disturb and have a negative impact on your health. Protect yourself with mindboost.":"The background noise at your workplace should be optimized. In the long term, it could disturb and have a negative impact on your health. Protect yourself with mindboost.", "Medium-noise Environment":"Medium-noise Environment", "The background noise at your workplace is disturbing. Your concentration is severely impaired. Mindboost protects you from the disturbing background noise.":"The background noise at your workplace is disturbing. Your concentration is severely impaired. Mindboost protects you from the disturbing background noise.", "Noisy Environment":"Noisy Environment", "Currently, your room has a:":"Currently, your room has a:", "The Mindboost sounscape responds to the acousitcs in your room.":"The Mindboost sounscape responds to the acousitcs in your room.", "Adaptive Soundscape":"Adaptive Soundscape", "Please choose a soundscape":"Please choose a soundscape", "Creativity":"Creativity", "Concentration":"Concentration", "What are your plans for today?":"What are your plans for today?", "What’s that?":"What’s that?", "Do your headphones have ANC?":"Do your headphones have ANC?", "Fix This Problem":"Fix This Problem", "system settings of your device and start again.":"system settings of your device and start again.", "Please check the input level of the microphone in the audio":"Please check the input level of the microphone in the audio", "The microphone does not provide any level":"The microphone does not provide any level", "You can customize your selection later":"You can customize your selection later", "To use Mindboost, headphones are required.":"To use Mindboost, headphones are required.", "Make sure that your headphones are properly connected. ":"Make sure that your headphones are properly connected. ", "OF":"OF", "Successfully subscribed":"Successfully subscribed", "We have saved your selection.":"We have saved your selection.", "You can change your settings at any time.":"You can change your settings at any time.", "What headphones do you use?":"What headphones do you use?", "We are analyzing your background noise...":"We are analyzing your background noise...", "Signup":"Signup", "Log In":"Log In", "Already have an Account?":"Already have an Account?", "I agree to Mindboost's terms and conditions. You can read about how we use and protect your information in our Privacy Policy.":"I agree to Mindboost's terms and conditions. You can read about how we use and protect your information in our Privacy Policy.", "Hello,":"Hello,", "First Name,":"First Name,", "Surname,":"Surname,", "Email,":"Email,", "Password,":"Password,", "Beautiful!":"Beautiful!", "New Password":"New Password", "Confirm Password":"Confirm Password", "Sign Up":"Sign Up", "Don’t have an Account?":"Don’t have an Account?", "Sign In":"Sign In", "Forgot Password":"Forgot Password", "Email or password is wrong, please try again!":"Email or password is wrong, please try again!", "Welcome back,":"Welcome back,", "Question":"Question", "Active Noise Canceling (ANC) is a technology that suppresses unwanted noise using coumter sound. Make sure check the description of your headphomes to find out if they are equipped with ANC function. Make sure that the function is activated.":"Active Noise Canceling (ANC) is a technology that suppresses unwanted noise using coumter sound. Make sure check the description of your headphomes to find out if they are equipped with ANC function. Make sure that the function is activated.", "What are Active Noise Cancelling Headphones?":"What are Active Noise Cancelling Headphones?", "The German version of the contract is binding":"The German version of the contract is binding", "The place of performance is the headquarters of Fraunhofer in Munich, Germany. The risk passes to the licensee as soon as Fraunhofer has handed over the software. ":"The place of performance is the headquarters of Fraunhofer in Munich, Germany. The risk passes to the licensee as soon as Fraunhofer has handed over the software. ", "Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The parties agree to replace the invalid, void, or unenforceable provision with a valid, effective, and enforceable provision that most closely reflects the economic interests of the parties. This also applies in the event of a contractual gap.":"Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The parties agree to replace the invalid, void, or unenforceable provision with a valid, effective, and enforceable provision that most closely reflects the economic interests of the parties. This also applies in the event of a contractual gap.", "This Agreement, including references and annexes, contains all agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all previous provisions agreed between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Additional agreements to this contract have not been made.":"This Agreement, including references and annexes, contains all agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all previous provisions agreed between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Additional agreements to this contract have not been made.", "Changes and additions to this contract must be in writing. This also applies to a change in this written form requirement.":"Changes and additions to this contract must be in writing. This also applies to a change in this written form requirement.", "This contract is exclusively subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.":"This contract is exclusively subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.", "10 Final Provisions":"10 Final Provisions", "can view and download.":"can view and download.", "In addition, reference is made to the content of Fraunhofer's data protection declaration, which the licensee can access under":"In addition, reference is made to the content of Fraunhofer's data protection declaration, which the licensee can access under", "The parties observe the applicable data protection regulations. ":"The parties observe the applicable data protection regulations. ", "9 Privacy":"9 Privacy", "Use of “Mindboost” does not entitle you to claim support.":"Use of “Mindboost” does not entitle you to claim support.", "8 Nature and Scope of Support":"8 Nature and Scope of Support", "7 Liability":"7 Liability", "Fraunhofer is not liable for damage caused by software made available free of charge.":"Fraunhofer is not liable for damage caused by software made available free of charge.", "Fraunhofer does not assume any liability for defects for software made available free of charge.":"Fraunhofer does not assume any liability for defects for software made available free of charge.", "6 Liability for Material Defects":"6 Liability for Material Defects", "Fraunhofer is entitled to the rights to all further developments of the contractual software insofar as these are based exclusively or predominantly on developments by Fraunhofer.":"Fraunhofer is entitled to the rights to all further developments of the contractual software insofar as these are based exclusively or predominantly on developments by Fraunhofer.", "Should the user wish for changes, modifications, processing or adjustments to the contractual software, Fraunhofer offers to conclude separate contracts.":"Should the user wish for changes, modifications, processing or adjustments to the contractual software, Fraunhofer offers to conclude separate contracts.", "The licensee is not permitted to change, edit, decompile, disassemble or reassemble or otherwise rework the contractual software or reproduce the results of such work. Any kind of inference from manufacturing stages of the software (reverse engineering) is not permitted.":"The licensee is not permitted to change, edit, decompile, disassemble or reassemble or otherwise rework the contractual software or reproduce the results of such work. Any kind of inference from manufacturing stages of the software (reverse engineering) is not permitted.", "Änderungen der Software durch den Nutzer, die über die bestimmungsgemäßen und in den begleitenden Unterlagen beschriebenen Anpassungen der Vertragssoftware an seine individuellen Bedürfnisse hinausgehen, unterliegen den nachfolgenden Bestimmungen:":"Änderungen der Software durch den Nutzer, die über die bestimmungsgemäßen und in den begleitenden Unterlagen beschriebenen Anpassungen der Vertragssoftware an seine individuellen Bedürfnisse hinausgehen, unterliegen den nachfolgenden Bestimmungen:", "5 Changes to the contractual software, further developments":"5 Changes to the contractual software, further developments", "Resale of the software is not permitted.":"Resale of the software is not permitted.", "The licensee is not entitled to rent, lease or otherwise commercially transfer the contractual software to third parties.":"The licensee is not entitled to rent, lease or otherwise commercially transfer the contractual software to third parties.", "4 Transfer of the Software to Third Parties":"4 Transfer of the Software to Third Parties", "The license, which is free of charge as part of the beta test, is made available to the user for free access. Commercial use is not permitted.":"The license, which is free of charge as part of the beta test, is made available to the user for free access. Commercial use is not permitted.", "3 license types":"3 license types", "A more detailed specification of the program's properties and the current system requirements can be found on the website. Fraunhofer supplies the software according to the specification. The agreed quality of the software results primarily from the description of the software. Fraunhofer does not owe any further quality of the software.":"A more detailed specification of the program's properties and the current system requirements can be found on the website. Fraunhofer supplies the software according to the specification. The agreed quality of the software results primarily from the description of the software. Fraunhofer does not owe any further quality of the software.", "The software “Mindboost” enables the creation of an adaptive, harmonic soundscape to reduce acoustic disturbances in the office through an automatically created masking signal.":"The software “Mindboost” enables the creation of an adaptive, harmonic soundscape to reduce acoustic disturbances in the office through an automatically created masking signal.", "Services from Fraunhofer for the software, be it support, maintenance or update services, are not part of the contract, but can be commissioned on the basis of a separate agreement with Fraunhofer.":"Services from Fraunhofer for the software, be it support, maintenance or update services, are not part of the contract, but can be commissioned on the basis of a separate agreement with Fraunhofer.", "2 Subject matter of the contract; Handover":"2 Subject matter of the contract; Handover", "These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing (“Contractual Terms”) from Fraunhofer apply exclusively and regulate the contractual relationship between Fraunhofer and the licensee with regard to the use of the software. The terms of contract become part of the contract when the software is used.":"These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing (“Contractual Terms”) from Fraunhofer apply exclusively and regulate the contractual relationship between Fraunhofer and the licensee with regard to the use of the software. The terms of contract become part of the contract when the software is used.", "The Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V., entered in the register of associations of the district court of Munich under register no. VR 4461, Hansastraße 27c, 80686 Munich, Germany („Fraunhofer”) engages in applied research and has developed certain software („Software”) that it makes available to third parties (“Licensee”) who are not consumers as online access.":"The Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V., entered in the register of associations of the district court of Munich under register no. VR 4461, Hansastraße 27c, 80686 Munich, Germany („Fraunhofer”) engages in applied research and has developed certain software („Software”) that it makes available to third parties (“Licensee”) who are not consumers as online access.", "1 contracting parties; scope":"1 contracting parties; scope", "Terms of Contract":"Terms of Contract", "You can cancel Mindboost at any time. The subscription will start automatically after the end of the trial period unless it is canceled before the end of the trial period. The total price is charged per period, price includes VAT.":"You can cancel Mindboost at any time. The subscription will start automatically after the end of the trial period unless it is canceled before the end of the trial period. The total price is charged per period, price includes VAT.", "1 year":"1 year", "1 month":"1 month", "6 month":"6 month", "Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost":"Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost", "Adaptive soundcape":"Adaptive soundcape", "Subscribe":"Subscribe", "You can still use Mindboost for 7 days for free. Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost afterwards.":"You can still use Mindboost for 7 days for free. Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost afterwards.", "Log Out":"Log Out", "Get another free 30 days":"Get another free 30 days", "Disclaimer":"Disclaimer", "Last Name":"Last Name", "Protected brands and names, images and texts are not usually marked as such on our website. However, the absence of such a label does not mean that it is a free name, free image or free text within the meaning of trademark law.":"Protected brands and names, images and texts are not usually marked as such on our website. However, the absence of such a label does not mean that it is a free name, free image or free text within the meaning of trademark law.", "We make every effort to ensure that the website is always up-to-date, correct and complete in terms of content. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. The Fraunhofer Institute and the Fraunhofer Society assume no liability for the topicality, the correctness of the content or the completeness of the information provided on their website. This refers to any damage of a material or immaterial nature to third parties caused by the use of this website.":"We make every effort to ensure that the website is always up-to-date, correct and complete in terms of content. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. The Fraunhofer Institute and the Fraunhofer Society assume no liability for the topicality, the correctness of the content or the completeness of the information provided on their website. This refers to any damage of a material or immaterial nature to third parties caused by the use of this website.", "We assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.":"We assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.", "Graphic changes to image motifs – except for cropping the main subject – are not allowed. It is always necessary to state the source and send two free specimen copies to the above address. Use is free of charge.":"Graphic changes to image motifs – except for cropping the main subject – are not allowed. It is always necessary to state the source and send two free specimen copies to the above address. Use is free of charge.", "A download or printout is also only permitted for the purpose of reporting on the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and its institutes in accordance with the following terms of use:":"A download or printout is also only permitted for the purpose of reporting on the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and its institutes in accordance with the following terms of use:", "Downloading or printing out these publications is only permitted for personal use. All other uses, in particular commercial use and distribution, are not permitted and require written approval.":"Downloading or printing out these publications is only permitted for personal use. All other uses, in particular commercial use and distribution, are not permitted and require written approval.", "The copyrights of this website are entirely owned by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.":"The copyrights of this website are entirely owned by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.", "All rights reserved.":"All rights reserved.", "Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V., Munich":"Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V., Munich", "Rights of Use":"Rights of Use", "Ass. Elizabeth Ewen | Member of the Board":"Ass. Elizabeth Ewen | Member of the Board", "Prof. Dr. Axel Müller-Groeling | Member of the Board":"Prof. Dr. Axel Müller-Groeling | Member of the Board", "Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz | Member of the Board":"Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz | Member of the Board", "Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reimund Neugebauer President":"Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reimund Neugebauer President", "Register-Nr. VR 4461":"Register-Nr. VR 4461", "District Court of Munich":"District Court of Munich", "registry court":"registry court", "Responsible editor:":"Responsible editor:", "Benjamin Muller":"Benjamin Muller", "Sales Tax Act":"Sales Tax Act", "Your contact person: Benjamin Müller":"Your contact person: Benjamin Müller", "Note: If you have general questions about the institute, please get in touch with the contact persons listed under Contact.":"Note: If you have general questions about the institute, please get in touch with the contact persons listed under Contact.", "is a legally non-independent institution of the":"is a legally non-independent institution of the", "Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP":"Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP", "Mindboost is offered by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP":"Mindboost is offered by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP", "Due to the further development of our website and offers about it or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data protection information. You can access and print out the current data protection information from the website at any time":"Due to the further development of our website and offers about it or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data protection information. You can access and print out the current data protection information from the website at any time", "8 Updating and changing this data protection information":"8 Updating and changing this data protection information", "We also use suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.":"We also use suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.", "All data that you personally transmit is encrypted using the generally accepted and secure standard TLS (Transport Layer Security). TLS is a secure and proven standard that is also used in online banking, for example. You can recognize a secure TLS connection by the s appended to http (i.e. https://..) in the address bar of your browser or by the lock symbol in the lower area of ​​your browser.":"All data that you personally transmit is encrypted using the generally accepted and secure standard TLS (Transport Layer Security). TLS is a secure and proven standard that is also used in online banking, for example. You can recognize a secure TLS connection by the s appended to http (i.e. https://..) in the address bar of your browser or by the lock symbol in the lower area of ​​your browser.", "If you would like to exercise your right to object, just send an email to datenschutzkoordination@zv.fraunhofer.de": "If you would like to exercise your right to object, just send an email to datenschutzkoordination@zv.fraunhofer.de", "If you object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes, we will stop processing immediately. In this case, it is not necessary to state a special situation. This also applies to profiling insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising.":"If you object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes, we will stop processing immediately. In this case, it is not necessary to state a special situation. This also applies to profiling insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising.", "If you file an objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.":"If you file an objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.", "You have the right, for reasons that arise from your particular situation, at any time against the processing of personal data concerning you, which is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 letter e GDPR (data processing in the public interest) and Article 6 paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests) takes place to object; this also applies to profiling of Article 4 No. 4 GDPR based on this provision.":"You have the right, for reasons that arise from your particular situation, at any time against the processing of personal data concerning you, which is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 letter e GDPR (data processing in the public interest) and Article 6 paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests) takes place to object; this also applies to profiling of Article 4 No. 4 GDPR based on this provision.", "Information about your right of objection according to Art. 21 GDPR":"Information about your right of objection according to Art. 21 GDPR", "according to Art. 77 GDPR to complain to a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority at your usual place of residence or work or at our company headquarters.":"according to Art. 77 GDPR to complain to a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority at your usual place of residence or work or at our company headquarters.", "according to Art. 18 GDPR to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data if you dispute the accuracy of the data, the processing is unlawful, but you refuse to delete it and we no longer need the data. , but you need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims or you in accordance with; Art. 21 DSGVO objected to the processing;":"according to Art. 18 GDPR to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data if you dispute the accuracy of the data, the processing is unlawful, but you refuse to delete it and we no longer need the data. , but you need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims or you in accordance with; Art. 21 DSGVO objected to the processing;", "according to Art. 17 GDPR to request the deletion of your personal data stored by us, unless the processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfill a legal obligation, for reasons of is necessary in the public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;":"according to Art. 17 GDPR to request the deletion of your personal data stored by us, unless the processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfill a legal obligation, for reasons of is necessary in the public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;", "according to Art. 16 GDPR to immediately request the correction of incorrect or completion of your personal data stored by us;":"according to Art. 16 GDPR to immediately request the correction of incorrect or completion of your personal data stored by us;", "according to Art. 15 GDPR to request information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you can obtain information about the processing purposes, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period, the existence of a right to correction, deletion , restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right of appeal, the origin of your data if not collected from us, and the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, meaningful information on their details demand;":"according to Art. 15 GDPR to request information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you can obtain information about the processing purposes, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period, the existence of a right to correction, deletion , restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right of appeal, the origin of your data if not collected from us, and the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, meaningful information on their details demand;", "according to Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR to revoke your consent given to us at any time. As a result, we are no longer allowed to continue the data processing based on this consent for the future;":"according to Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR to revoke your consent given to us at any time. As a result, we are no longer allowed to continue the data processing based on this consent for the future;", "You have the right:": "You have the right:", "Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser in such a way that no cookies are stored on your computer or that a message always appears before a new cookie is created. However, the complete deactivation of cookies may mean that you cannot use all the functions of our website.":"Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser in such a way that no cookies are stored on your computer or that a message always appears before a new cookie is created. However, the complete deactivation of cookies may mean that you cannot use all the functions of our website.", "On the one hand, the use of cookies serves to make the use of our offer more pleasant for you. For example, we use so-called session cookies to enable session control or to save form entries or shopping carts during the session. Session cookies are deleted at the latest when you close your web browser.":"On the one hand, the use of cookies serves to make the use of our offer more pleasant for you. For example, we use so-called session cookies to enable session control or to save form entries or shopping carts during the session. Session cookies are deleted at the latest when you close your web browser.", "Information is stored in the cookie that arises in connection with the specific terminal device used. However, this does not mean that we receive direct knowledge of your identity.":"Information is stored in the cookie that arises in connection with the specific terminal device used. However, this does not mean that we receive direct knowledge of your identity.", "We use cookies on our site. These are small files that your browser creates automatically and that are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our site. Cookies do not damage your end device and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other malware.":"We use cookies on our site. These are small files that your browser creates automatically and that are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our site. Cookies do not damage your end device and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other malware.", "The data passed on may only be used by the recipients for the stated purposes.":"The data passed on may only be used by the recipients for the stated purposes.", "You have given your express consent to this in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR; This is in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter b GDPR for the fulfilment of a contract with you is required (e.g. when passing on to shipping companies for the purpose of delivering the goods you have ordered or when passing on payment data to payment service providers or credit institutions in order to carry out a payment transaction); for the transfer according to Art. 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 lit. c GDPR there is a legal obligation.":"You have given your express consent to this in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR; This is in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter b GDPR for the fulfilment of a contract with you is required (e.g. when passing on to shipping companies for the purpose of delivering the goods you have ordered or when passing on payment data to payment service providers or credit institutions in order to carry out a payment transaction); for the transfer according to Art. 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 lit. c GDPR there is a legal obligation.", "Otherwise, we only pass on your personal data if":"Otherwise, we only pass on your personal data if", "If we pass on personal data that we collect via the website to processors, we will inform you about this in this data protection information for the respective data processing operation, naming the specific recipient.":"If we pass on personal data that we collect via the website to processors, we will inform you about this in this data protection information for the respective data processing operation, naming the specific recipient.", "In addition, we use cookies when you visit our website. You will find more detailed explanations on this below in this data protection information.":"In addition, we use cookies when you visit our website. You will find more detailed explanations on this below in this data protection information.", "We cannot draw any direct conclusions about your identity from the processing of the IP address and other information in the log file.":"We cannot draw any direct conclusions about your identity from the processing of the IP address and other information in the log file.", "The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the security interest mentioned and the need for trouble-free provision of our website.":"The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the security interest mentioned and the need for trouble-free provision of our website.", "The IP address is processed for technical and administrative purposes of establishing the connection and stability in order to ensure the security and functionality of our website and to be able to trace any illegal attacks on it if necessary.":"The IP address is processed for technical and administrative purposes of establishing the connection and stability in order to ensure the security and functionality of our website and to be able to trace any illegal attacks on it if necessary.", "You can visit our website without having to reveal any information about your identity. The browser used on your end device only automatically sends information to our website's server (e.g. browser type and version, date and time of access) to enable the website to establish a connection. This also includes the IP address of your requesting end device. This is temporarily stored in a so-called log file and deleted after 30 days at the latest.":"You can visit our website without having to reveal any information about your identity. The browser used on your end device only automatically sends information to our website's server (e.g. browser type and version, date and time of access) to enable the website to establish a connection. This also includes the IP address of your requesting end device. This is temporarily stored in a so-called log file and deleted after 30 days at the latest.", "3 Processing of personal data and purposes of processing":"3 Processing of personal data and purposes of processing", "Alternatively, our contact person Benjamin Müller is available at benjamin.mueller@ibp.fraunhofer.de.":"Alternatively, our contact person Benjamin Müller is available at benjamin.mueller@ibp.fraunhofer.de.", "The data protection officer at Fraunhofer can be contacted at the above address in Munich, attn: data protection officer or at datenschutz@zv.fraunhofer.de. You can contact our data protection officer directly at any time with questions about data protection law or your rights as a data subject.":"The data protection officer at Fraunhofer can be contacted at the above address in Munich, attn: data protection officer or at datenschutz@zv.fraunhofer.de. You can contact our data protection officer directly at any time with questions about data protection law or your rights as a data subject.", "Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V.":"Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V.", "Responsible within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR:":"Responsible within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR:", "2 Name and contact details of the person responsible for processing and the company data protection officer":"2 Name and contact details of the person responsible for processing and the company data protection officer", "This data protection information applies to data processing on our website www.mindboost-app.de":"This data protection information applies to data processing on our website www.mindboost-app.de", "Personal data is in accordance with Art. 4 No. 1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.":"Personal data is in accordance with Art. 4 No. 1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.", "As part of the use of this website, your personal data will be processed by us as the person responsible for data processing and stored for the period necessary to fulfill the specified purposes and legal obligations. In the following we will inform you about what data is involved, how it is processed and what rights you have in this regard.":"As part of the use of this website, your personal data will be processed by us as the person responsible for data processing and stored for the period necessary to fulfill the specified purposes and legal obligations. In the following we will inform you about what data is involved, how it is processed and what rights you have in this regard.", "HOW DOES MINDBOOST WORK?":"HOW DOES MINDBOOST WORK?", "WHAT IS MINDBOOST?":"WHAT IS MINDBOOST?", "WHY DOES MINDBOOST WORK?":"WHY DOES MINDBOOST WORK?", "Mindboost creates soundscapes for your headphones that help you focus up to 35% better. Mindboost combines voice masking, binaural beats and alpha waves.":"Mindboost creates soundscapes for your headphones that help you focus up to 35% better. Mindboost combines voice masking, binaural beats and alpha waves.", "Our algorithm measures the acoustics of your cell phone or other device in the room in real time and generates a soundscape that optimally blocks out disruptive background noise such as colleagues on the phone.":"Our algorithm measures the acoustics of your cell phone or other device in the room in real time and generates a soundscape that optimally blocks out disruptive background noise such as colleagues on the phone.", "All soundscapes in Mindboost have been tested and optimized in listening tests in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IBP. So you can be sure that Mindboost supports you optimally with your concentration.":"All soundscapes in Mindboost have been tested and optimized in listening tests in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IBP. So you can be sure that Mindboost supports you optimally with your concentration.", 'Audio_Output':'Audio Output', 'Audio_Input':'Audio Input', }, de: { "welcome": "Willkommen", "adaptive_soundscap": "Anpassungsfähige Klanglandschaft", "Account": "Konto", "Subscription": "Abonnement", "Soundscape Settings": "Klanglandschaftseinstellungen", "FAQ": "FAQ", "Imprint": "Impressum", "Data Protection": "Datenschutz", "Terms & Conditions": "Nutzungsbedingungen", "Settings": "Einstellungen", "Lagoon": "Lagune", "Tropics": "Tropen", "Forest": "Wald", "Meadow": "Wiese", "Headphones Type": "Kopfhörertyp", "In-Ear": "In-Ear", "Over-Ear": "Over-Ear", "ANC": "ANC", "No": "Nein", "Yes": "Ja", "About Mindboost": "Über Mindboost", "1 Scope": "1 Geltungsbereich", "27 c": "27 c", "70569 Stuttgart": "70569 Stuttgart", "(hereafter Fraunhofer-IBP)": "(nachfolgend Fraunhofer-IBP genannt)", "Telephone": "Telefon", "80686 Munich": "80686 München", "4 Sharing of Data": "4 Datenweitergabe", "5 Cookies": "5 Cookies", "6 data subject rights": "6 Betroffenenrechte", "7 Data Security": "7 Datensicherheit", "Edit Account": "Konto bearbeiten", "First Name": "Vorname", "Surname": "Nachname", "Password": "Passwort", "Email": "E-Mail", "Save Changes": "Änderungen speichern", "Loading...": "Laden...", "The": "Das", "HOME": "STARTSEITE", "The background noise at your workplace provides a long’term healthy basis for concentrated work. With Mindboost you make sure that even sudden disturbances do not distract you.": "Das Hintergrundrauschen am Arbeitsplatz bietet eine langfristige gesunde Grundlage für konzentriertes Arbeiten. Mit Mindboost stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auch bei plötzlichen Störungen nicht abgelenkt werden.", "Good Environment": "Gute Umgebung", "The background noise at your workplace should be optimized. In the long term, it could disturb and have a negative impact on your health. Protect yourself with mindboost.": "Das Hintergrundrauschen am Arbeitsplatz sollte optimiert werden. Auf lange Sicht könnte es stören und sich negativ auf Ihre Gesundheit auswirken. Schützen Sie sich mit Mindboost.", "Medium-noise Environment": "Umgebung mit mittlerem Lärmpegel", "The background noise at your workplace is disturbing. Your concentration is severely impaired. Mindboost protects you from the disturbing background noise.": "Das Hintergrundrauschen am Arbeitsplatz ist störend. Ihre Konzentration ist stark beeinträchtigt. Mindboost schützt Sie vor dem störenden Hintergrundrauschen.", "Noisy Environment": "Lautstarke Umgebung", "Currently, your room has a:": "Aktuell hat Ihr Raum eine:", "The Mindboost sounscape responds to the acousitcs in your room.":"Das Mindboost-Klanglandschaft reagiert auf die Akustik in Ihrem Raum.", "Adaptive Soundscape":"Adaptive Klanglandschaft", "Please choose a soundscape":"Bitte wählen Sie eine Klanglandschaft", "Creativity":"Kreativität", "Concentration":"Konzentration", "What are your plans for today?":"Was sind Ihre Pläne für heute?", "What’s that?":"Was ist das?", "Do your headphones have ANC?":"Haben Ihre Kopfhörer ANC?", "Fix This Problem":"Beheben Sie dieses Problem", "system settings of your device and start again.":"Systemeinstellungen Ihres Geräts und starten Sie es erneut.", "Please check the input level of the microphone in the audio":"Bitte überprüfen Sie den Eingangspegel des Mikrofons im Audio", "The microphone does not provide any level":"Das Mikrofon liefert keinen Pegel", "You can customize your selection later":"Sie können Ihre Auswahl später anpassen", "To use Mindboost, headphones are required.":"Um Mindboost zu verwenden, sind Kopfhörer erforderlich.", "Make sure that your headphones are properly connected. ":"Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Kopfhörer ordnungsgemäß angeschlossen sind. ", "OF":"von", "Successfully subscribed":"Erfolgreich abonniert", "We have saved your selection.":"Wir haben Ihre Auswahl gespeichert.", "You can change your settings at any time.":"Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern.", "What headphones do you use?":"Welche Kopfhörer verwenden Sie?", "We are analyzing your background noise...":"Wir analysieren Ihren Hintergrundlärm...", "Signup":"Anmelden", "Log In":"Anmelden", "Already have an Account?":"Sie haben bereits ein Konto?", "I agree to Mindboost's terms and conditions. You can read about how we use and protect your information in our Privacy Policy.":"Ich stimme den Geschäftsbedingungen von Mindboost zu. In unserer Datenschutzerklärung können Sie lesen, wie wir Ihre Informationen verwenden und schützen.", "Hello,":"Hallo,", "First Name,":"Vorname,", "Surname,":"Nachname,", "Email,":"E-Mail-Adresse,", "Password,":"Passwort,", "Beautiful!":"Wunderbar!", // FAQ Section "answer_9":"Eine Wirkung erfolgt in dem Moment, in dem du deine Kopfhörer aufsetzt und eine Soundscape abspielst. Es werden sofort störende Hintergrundschalle analysiert und ein passender Maskierschall wird in Echtzeit generiert, welcher deine Konzentrationsfähigkeit steigert. Bei plötzlich auftretenden, drastischen Änderungen in den Umgebungsgeräuschen kann es allerdings ein paar Sekunden dauern, bis sich der Maskierschall sich vollständig an die neue Geräuschkulisse angepasst hat.", "question_9":"Wann kann ich mit einer Leistungssteigerung durch Mindboost rechnen?", "answer_8_4":"Wenn du die Basis-Lautstärke des Maskierschalls eingestellt hast, solltest du die Option „adaptive soundscape“ einschalten, damit sich der Maskierungsschall in seinen Eigenschaften optimal an die Umgebungsgeräusche anpassen kann und immer dann leiser wird, wenn es gerade keine Ablenkung gibt und wieder lauter wird, wenn Umgebungsschalle besonders störend sind. Somit wird sichergestellt, dass der Maskierungsschall immer gerade so laut genug ist um vor Störungen von außen zu schützen und gleichzeitig so leise und angenehm wie möglich ist.", "answer_8_3":"Jetzt solltest du eine optimale Lautstärke für dich einstellen, bei der die Umgebungsgeräusche gerade so nicht mehr hörbar sind um Mindboost zu kalibrieren. Achte jedoch unbedingt darauf, dass die Lautstärke noch angenehm ist. Wenn die Umgebungsgeräusche zu laut sind (bsp. neben einer Baustelle) kommt auch die Mindboost Technologie an ihre Grenzen (Tipp: ANC Kopfhörer dämpfen die Umgebungsgeräusche stärker ab als herkömmliche Kopfhörer, was dazu führt, dass eine effektive Schallmaskierung schon bei deutlich leiseren Schallpegeln gewährleistet wird).", "answer_8_2":"Nun kannst du dir einen Mindboost Soundscape aussuchen, welcher zu deiner aktuellen Stimmung oder Aufgabe passt. ", "answer_8_1":"Schließe deine Kopfhörer an deinem Computer oder Smartphone an und öffne die Mindboost Web-App in deinem Browser. Stelle unbedingt sicher, dass die Mindboost-Website die Berechtigungen erteilt bekommt, auf das Mikrofon des Computers oder Smartphones zuzugreifen. ", "question_8":"Wie benutze ich Mindboost richtig?", "answer_7":"Am besten verwendest du die Mindboost-Technologie, wenn du dich auf eine Aufgabe fokussieren möchtest. Selbst wenn gerade keine störenden Umgebungsgeräusche zu Ablenkungen führen, helfen dir die Binauralen-Beats und Alpha-Waves dabei den Fokus zu bewahren. Dabei ist es völlig egal, ob du beispielsweise einen Text schreibst, etwas aufmerksam durchlesen willst, über eine Problemstellung nachdenkst, meditierst oder auch einfach nur einen Moment der Ruhe für dich suchst.", "question_7":"Wann kann ich Mindboost verwenden?", "answer_6":"Die aktive Geräuschunterdrückung (ANC) ist eine Technologie, die unerwünschte Geräusche mit Hilfe von Gegenschall unterdrückt. Überprüfen Sie in der Beschreibung Ihres Kopfhörers, ob er mit der ANC-Funktion ausgestattet ist. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Funktion aktiviert ist.", "question_6":"Was sind Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) Kopfhörer?", "answer_5":"Die kurze Antwort: Nein. Die Mindboost-Technologie funktioniert mit allen Kopfhörern, jedoch empfehlen wir für eine optimale Nutzungserfahrung die Verwendung von ANC Kopfhörern.\n" + "Verschiedene Kopfhöhrer dämpfen, bedingt durch Bauart und Technologie, Umgebungsgeräusche unterschiedlich stark. Geschlossene Over-Ear Kopfhörer dämpfen Umgebungsgeräusche zum Beispiel deutlich besser, als offene Over-Ear Kopfhörer.\n" + "Kopfhörer, welche mit Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) ausgestattet sind, sind dazu in der Lage Umgebungsgeräusche um 30-20 Dezibel zu dämpfen. Das ist schon ziemlich gut, allerdings können wir bspw. Gespräche in unserer unmittelbaren Umgebung dennoch wahrnehmen und die dadurch entstehende Ablenkung kann immer noch enorm sein. \n" + "Der Vorteil der Nutzung von Mindboost in Kombination von ANC Kopfhörern ist folgender: je leiser die ablenkenden Geräusche sind, desto leiser und somit auch angenehmer, kann auch der Maskierungsschall abgespielt werden, welcher die Störgeräusche überdeckt.\n", "question_5":"Brauche ich spezielle Kopfhörer um Mindboost verwenden zu können?", "answer_4":"Die Videos auf YouTube sind kurze Ausschnitte unserer Harmonischen Maskierschalle, welche statisch bleiben. Das bedeutet, dass sie sich anders als bei der kostenpflichtigen Web-App nicht an die Umgebungsgeräusche anpassen und somit auch nicht zuverlässig vor Ablenkungen schützen können. In der kostenpflichtigen Web-App passen sich die harmonischen Maskierschalle in Echtzeit an die jeweilige Umgebungsgeräuschkulisse an und es stehen zudem alle die Vollversionen der Maskierschalle zur Verfügung.", "question_4":"Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den Mindboost Videos auf Youtube und der Mindboost Web-App?", "answer_3":"Herkömmliche Maskierschalle wie beispielsweise sogenanntes „Whitenoise“ werden subjektiv oft als störend war genommen und sind deshalb meist keine zumutbare Option die Konzentrationsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Des Weiteren sind die Lautstärke, sowie die Maskierungseigenschaften nicht angepasst an die zu verdeckenden Störgeräusche. \n" + "Mindboost analysiert daher deinen Umgebungsschall und bewertet automatisch wie dieser Deine Konzentrationsfähigkeit verschlechtert. Dabei stützt sich Mindboost auf wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Psychoakustik, welche aus Forschungsergebnissen des Fraunhofer Instituts resultieren. Aus dieser Analyse generiert Mindboost einen Maskierschall der zu jeder Zeit über die Eigenschaften verfügt, die die jeweiligen störenden Umgebungsgeräusche optimal verdecken. Zusätzlich werden die klanglichen Eigenschaften des Maskierschalls durch Harmonische Komponenten so verändert, dass der Maskierschalls möglichst angenehm klingt.\n", "question_3":"Was unterscheidet die Mindboost Technologie von herkömmlichen statischen Maskierschallen?", "answer_2":"Ja. Die Mindboost-Technologie basiert auf Forschungsergebnissen der Psychoakustik und wurde am Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik entwickelt. Die Schalle und deren Wirkung auf unsere Kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit wurden in Hörversuchen am Fraunhofer IBP psychoakustisch validiert.", "question_2":"Ist die Wirkung durch Mindboost wissenschaftlich nachweisbar?", "answer_part_2":"Mindboost analysiert daher deinen Umgebungsschall und bewertet automatisch wie dieser Deine Konzentrationsfähigkeit verschlechtert. Dabei stützt sich Mindboost auf wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Psychoakustik, welche aus Forschungsergebnissen des Fraunhofer Instituts für Bauphysik IBP resultieren. Aus dieser Analyse generiert Mindboost einen harmonischen Maskierschall der zu jeder Zeit über die Eigenschaften verfügt, die die jeweiligen störenden Umgebungsgeräusche optimal verdecken.", "answer_part_1":"Durch den psychoakustischen Effekt der Maskierung können ablenkende Schalle unhörbar gemacht werden. \n" + "Herkömmliche Maskierschalle wie beispielsweise sogenanntes „Whitenoise“ werden allerdings subjektiv oft als störend war genommen und sind deshalb meist keine zumutbare Option um die Konzentrationsfähigkeit zu schützen.", "question1":"Wie hilft mir Mindboost dabei meine Produktivität zu steigern?", // END FAQ SECTION "WHAT IS MINDBOOST?":"WAS IST MINDBOOST?", "WIE FUNKTIONIERT MINDBOOST?":"WIE FUNKTIONIERT MINDBOOST?", "New Password":"Neues Passwort", "Confirm Password":"Passwort bestätigen", "Sign Up":"Registrieren", "Don’t have an Account?":"Sie haben kein Konto?", "Sign In":"Anmelden", "Forgot Password":"Passwort vergessen", "Email or password is wrong, please try again!":"E-Mail oder Passwort ist falsch, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!", "Welcome back,":"Willkommen zurück,", "Question":"Frage", "Active Noise Canceling (ANC) is a technology that suppresses unwanted noise using coumter sound. Make sure check the description of your headphomes to find out if they are equipped with ANC function. Make sure that the function is activated.":"Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) ist eine Technologie, die unerwünschte Geräusche mit Gegenschall unterdrückt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Beschreibung Ihrer Kopfhörer überprüfen, um herauszufinden, ob sie mit der ANC-Funktion ausgestattet sind. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Funktion aktiviert ist.", "What are Active Noise Cancelling Headphones?":"Was sind Active Noise Cancelling-Kopfhörer?", "The German version of the contract is binding":"Die deutsche Version des Vertrags ist bindend", "The place of performance is the headquarters of Fraunhofer in Munich, Germany. The risk passes to the licensee as soon as Fraunhofer has handed over the software. ":"Erfüllungsort ist der Sitz der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in München, Deutschland. Das Risiko geht auf den Lizenznehmer über, sobald Fraunhofer die Software übergeben hat. ", "Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The parties agree to replace the invalid, void, or unenforceable provision with a valid, effective, and enforceable provision that most closely reflects the economic interests of the parties. This also applies in the event of a contractual gap.":"Sollte eine Bestimmung dieses Vertrags ganz oder teilweise ungültig, unwirksam oder undurchsetzbar sein oder werden, so bleiben die übrigen Bestimmungen in Kraft. Die Parteien vereinbaren, die ungültige, nichtige oder undurchsetzbare Bestimmung durch eine gültige, wirksame und durchsetzbare Bestimmung zu ersetzen, die den wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Parteien am nächsten kommt. Dies gilt auch im Falle einer vertraglichen Lücke.", "This Agreement, including references and annexes, contains all agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all previous provisions agreed between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Additional agreements to this contract have not been made.":"Diese Vereinbarung einschließlich Verweisungen und Anlagen enthält alle Vereinbarungen in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung und ersetzt alle früheren Vereinbarungen zwischen den Parteien in Bezug auf den Gegenstand dieser Vereinbarung. Zusätzliche Vereinbarungen zu diesem Vertrag wurden nicht getroffen.", "Changes and additions to this contract must be in writing. This also applies to a change in this written form requirement.":"Änderungen und Ergänzungen dieses Vertrags müssen schriftlich erfolgen. Dies gilt auch für eine Änderung dieser Schriftformklausel.", "This contract is exclusively subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.":"Dieser Vertrag unterliegt ausschließlich dem materiellen Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter Ausschluss des UN-Kaufrechts.", "10 Final Provisions":"10 Schlussbestimmungen", "can view and download.":"Kann anzeigen und herunterladen.", "In addition, reference is made to the content of Fraunhofer's data protection declaration, which the licensee can access under":"Zusätzlich wird auf den Inhalt der Datenschutzerklärung von Fraunhofer verwiesen, auf die der Lizenznehmer zugreifen kann unter", "The parties observe the applicable data protection regulations. ":"Die Parteien beachten die anwendbaren Datenschutzbestimmungen. ", "9 Privacy":"9 Datenschutz", "Use of “Mindboost” does not entitle you to claim support.":"Die Nutzung von “Mindboost” berechtigt nicht zur Inanspruchnahme von Support.", "8 Nature and Scope of Support":"8 Art und Umfang des Supports", "7 Liability":"7 Haftung", "Fraunhofer is not liable for damage caused by software made available free of charge.":"Fraunhofer haftet nicht für Schäden, die durch kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellte Software verursacht werden.", "Fraunhofer does not assume any liability for defects for software made available free of charge.":"Fraunhofer übernimmt keine Haftung für Mängel bei kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellter Software.", "6 Liability for Material Defects":"6 Haftung für Sachmängel", "Fraunhofer is entitled to the rights to all further developments of the contractual software insofar as these are based exclusively or predominantly on developments by Fraunhofer.":"Fraunhofer hat das Recht an den Rechten aller weiteren Entwicklungen der Vertragssoftware, soweit diese ausschließlich oder überwiegend auf Entwicklungen von Fraunhofer basieren.", "Should the user wish for changes, modifications, processing or adjustments to the contractual software, Fraunhofer offers to conclude separate contracts.":"Wenn der Benutzer Änderungen, Modifikationen, Verarbeitungen oder Anpassungen an der Vertragssoftware wünscht, bietet Fraunhofer den Abschluss separater Verträge an.", "The licensee is not permitted to change, edit, decompile, disassemble or reassemble or otherwise rework the contractual software or reproduce the results of such work. Any kind of inference from manufacturing stages of the software (reverse engineering) is not permitted.":"Dem Lizenznehmer ist es nicht gestattet, die Vertragssoftware zu ändern, zu bearbeiten, zu dekompilieren, zu disassemblieren oder neu zusammenzustellen oder anderweitig umzuarbeiten oder die Ergebnisse solcher Arbeiten zu reproduzieren. Jede Art von Schlussfolgerungen aus Fertigungsstufen der Software (Reverse Engineering) ist nicht gestattet.", "Änderungen der Software durch den Nutzer, die über die bestimmungsgemäßen und in den begleitenden Unterlagen beschriebenen Anpassungen der Vertragssoftware an seine individuellen Bedürfnisse hinausgehen, unterliegen den nachfolgenden Bestimmungen:":"Änderungen der Software durch den Nutzer, die über die bestimmungsgemäßen und in den begleitenden Unterlagen beschriebenen Anpassungen der Vertragssoftware an seine individuellen Bedürfnisse hinausgehen, unterliegen den nachfolgenden Bestimmungen:", "5 Changes to the contractual software, further developments":"5 Änderungen an der Vertragssoftware, weitere Entwicklungen", "Resale of the software is not permitted.":"Weiterverkauf der Software ist nicht gestattet.", "The licensee is not entitled to rent, lease or otherwise commercially transfer the contractual software to third parties.":"Der Lizenznehmer ist nicht berechtigt, die Vertragssoftware an Dritte zu vermieten, zu verleasen oder anderweitig kommerziell zu übertragen.", "4 Transfer of the Software to Third Parties":"4 Übertragung der Software an Dritte", "The license, which is free of charge as part of the beta test, is made available to the user for free access. Commercial use is not permitted.":"Die Lizenz, die im Rahmen des Beta-Tests kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt wird, steht dem Benutzer zur kostenlosen Nutzung zur Verfügung. Eine kommerzielle Nutzung ist nicht gestattet.", "3 license types":"3 Lizenztypen", "A more detailed specification of the program's properties and the current system requirements can be found on the website. Fraunhofer supplies the software according to the specification. The agreed quality of the software results primarily from the description of the software. Fraunhofer does not owe any further quality of the software.":"Eine detailliertere Spezifikation der Eigenschaften des Programms und der aktuellen Systemanforderungen finden Sie auf der Website. Fraunhofer liefert die Software gemäß der Spezifikation. Die vereinbarte Qualität der Software ergibt sich in erster Linie aus der Beschreibung der Software. Fraunhofer schuldet keine weitergehende Qualität der Software.", "The software “Mindboost” enables the creation of an adaptive, harmonic soundscape to reduce acoustic disturbances in the office through an automatically created masking signal.":"Die Software “Mindboost” ermöglicht die Erstellung einer adaptiven, harmonischen Klanglandschaft zur Reduzierung akustischer Störungen im Büro durch ein automatisch erstelltes Maskierungssignal.", "Services from Fraunhofer for the software, be it support, maintenance or update services, are not part of the contract, but can be commissioned on the basis of a separate agreement with Fraunhofer.":"Dienstleistungen von Fraunhofer für die Software, ob Support-, Wartungs- oder Update-Dienstleistungen, sind kein Bestandteil des Vertrags, können aber auf Basis einer separaten Vereinbarung mit Fraunhofer beauftragt werden.", "2 Subject matter of the contract; Handover":"2 Gegenstand des Vertrags; Übergabe", "These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing (“Contractual Terms”) from Fraunhofer apply exclusively and regulate the contractual relationship between Fraunhofer and the licensee with regard to the use of the software. The terms of contract become part of the contract when the software is used.":"Diese Allgemeinen Geschäfts- und Lizenzbedingungen („Vertragsbedingungen”) von Fraunhofer gelten ausschließlich und regeln das Vertragsverhältnis zwischen Fraunhofer und dem Lizenznehmer in Bezug auf die Nutzung der Software. Die Vertragsbedingungen werden Bestandteil des Vertrags, wenn die Software verwendet wird.", "The Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V., entered in the register of associations of the district court of Munich under register no. VR 4461, Hansastraße 27c, 80686 Munich, Germany („Fraunhofer”) engages in applied research and has developed certain software („Software”) that it makes available to third parties (“Licensee”) who are not consumers as online access.":"Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts München unter der Nummer VR 4461, Hansastraße 27c, 80686 München, Deutschland („Fraunhofer”) betreibt angewandte Forschung und hat bestimmte Software („Software”) entwickelt, die sie Dritten („Lizenznehmer”) als Online-Zugang zur Verfügung stellt, die keine Verbraucher sind.", "1 contracting parties; scope":"1 Vertragsparteien; Geltungsbereich", "Terms of Contract":"Vertragsbedingungen", "You can cancel Mindboost at any time. The subscription will start automatically after the end of the trial period unless it is canceled before the end of the trial period. The total price is charged per period, price includes VAT.":"Sie können Mindboost jederzeit kündigen. Das Abonnement beginnt automatisch nach Ablauf der Testphase, sofern es nicht vor Ablauf der Testphase gekündigt wird. Der Gesamtpreis wird pro Zeitraum berechnet, der Preis enthält die Mehrwertsteuer.", "1 year":"1 Jahr", "1 month":"1 Monat", "6 month":"6 Monate", "Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost":"Abonnieren Sie, um Ihre Produktivität mit Mindboost zu steigern", "Adaptive soundcape":"Adaptive Klanglandschaft", "Subscribe":"Abonnieren", "You can still use Mindboost for 7 days for free. Subscribe to increase your productivity with Mindboost afterwards.":"Sie können Mindboost immer noch 7 Tage lang kostenlos nutzen. Abonnieren Sie Mindboost danach, um Ihre Produktivität zu steigern.", "Log Out":"Ausloggen", "Get another free 30 days":"Erhalten Sie weitere 30 Tage kostenlos", "Disclaimer":"Haftungsausschluss", "Last Name":"Nachname", "Protected brands and names, images and texts are not usually marked as such on our website. However, the absence of such a label does not mean that it is a free name, free image or free text within the meaning of trademark law.":"Geschützte Marken und Namen, Bilder und Texte sind auf unserer Website normalerweise nicht als solche gekennzeichnet. Das Fehlen einer solchen Kennzeichnung bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass es sich um einen freien Namen, ein freies Bild oder einen freien Text im Sinne des Markenrechts handelt.", "We make every effort to ensure that the website is always up-to-date, correct and complete in terms of content. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. The Fraunhofer Institute and the Fraunhofer Society assume no liability for the topicality, the correctness of the content or the completeness of the information provided on their website. This refers to any damage of a material or immaterial nature to third parties caused by the use of this website.":"Wir bemühen uns sicherzustellen, dass die Website inhaltlich immer auf dem neuesten Stand, korrekt und vollständig ist. Fehler können jedoch nicht vollständig ausgeschlossen werden. Das Fraunhofer-Institut und die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft übernehmen keine Haftung für die Aktualität, die Richtigkeit des Inhalts oder die Vollständigkeit der Informationen, die auf ihrer Website bereitgestellt werden. Dies bezieht sich auf jeglichen Schaden materieller oder immaterieller Art, der durch die Nutzung dieser Website Dritter verursacht wird.", "We assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.":"Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.", "Graphic changes to image motifs – except for cropping the main subject – are not allowed. It is always necessary to state the source and send two free specimen copies to the above address. Use is free of charge.":"Grafische Änderungen an Bildmotiven – außer dem Beschnitt des Hauptmotivs – sind nicht gestattet. Es ist immer notwendig, die Quelle anzugeben und zwei kostenlose Musterexemplare an die oben genannte Adresse zu senden. Die Nutzung ist kostenlos.", "A download or printout is also only permitted for the purpose of reporting on the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and its institutes in accordance with the following terms of use:":"Ein Download oder Ausdruck ist ebenfalls nur für Zwecke der Berichterstattung über die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und ihre Institute gemäß den folgenden Nutzungsbedingungen gestattet:", "Downloading or printing out these publications is only permitted for personal use. All other uses, in particular commercial use and distribution, are not permitted and require written approval.":"Das Herunterladen oder Ausdrucken dieser Veröffentlichungen ist nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch gestattet. Jegliche andere Verwendung, insbesondere kommerzielle Nutzung und Verbreitung, sind nicht gestattet und bedürfen einer schriftlichen Genehmigung.", "The copyrights of this website are entirely owned by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.":"Die Urheberrechte dieser Website liegen vollständig bei der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.", "All rights reserved.":"Alle Rechte vorbehalten.", "Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V., Munich":"Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V., München", "Rights of Use":"Nutzungsrechte", "Ass. Elizabeth Ewen | Member of the Board":"Ass. Elizabeth Ewen | Vorstandsmitglied", "Prof. Dr. Axel Müller-Groeling | Member of the Board":"Prof. Dr. Axel Müller-Groeling | Vorstandsmitglied", "Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz | Member of the Board":"Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz | Vorstandsmitglied", "Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reimund Neugebauer President":"Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reimund Neugebauer | Präsident", "Register-Nr. VR 4461":"Register-Nr. VR 4461", "District Court of Munich":"Amtsgericht München", "registry court":"Registergericht", "Responsible editor:":"Verantwortlicher Redakteur:", "Benjamin Muller":"Benjamin Müller", "Sales Tax Act":"Umsatzsteuergesetz", "Your contact person: Benjamin Müller":"Ihr Ansprechpartner: Benjamin Müller", "Note: If you have general questions about the institute, please get in touch with the contact persons listed under Contact.":"Hinweis: Bei allgemeinen Fragen zum Institut wenden Sie sich bitte an die unter Kontakt aufgeführten Ansprechpartner.", "is a legally non-independent institution of the":"ist eine rechtlich unselbständige Einrichtung des", "Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP":"Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP", "Mindboost is offered by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP":"Mindboost wird vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP angeboten", "Due to the further development of our website and offers about it or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data protection information. You can access and print out the current data protection information from the website at any time":"Aufgrund der weiteren Entwicklung unserer Website und der damit verbundenen Angebote oder aufgrund geänderter rechtlicher oder behördlicher Anforderungen kann es erforderlich werden, diese Datenschutzerklärung zu ändern. Die aktuelle Datenschutzerklärung können Sie jederzeit von der Website abrufen und ausdrucken.", "8 Updating and changing this data protection information":"8 Aktualisierung und Änderung dieser Datenschutzerklärung", "We also use suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.":"Wir setzen auch geeignete technische und organisatorische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ein, um Ihre Daten gegen unbeabsichtigte oder vorsätzliche Manipulation, teilweisen oder vollständigen Verlust, Zerstörung oder gegen unbefugten Zugriff Dritter zu schützen. Unsere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen werden kontinuierlich im Einklang mit dem technologischen Fortschritt verbessert.", "All data that you personally transmit is encrypted using the generally accepted and secure standard TLS (Transport Layer Security). TLS is a secure and proven standard that is also used in online banking, for example. You can recognize a secure TLS connection by the s appended to http (i.e. https://..) in the address bar of your browser or by the lock symbol in the lower area of ​​your browser.":"Alle Daten, die Sie persönlich übermitteln, werden mit dem allgemein anerkannten und sicheren Standard TLS (Transport Layer Security) verschlüsselt. TLS ist ein sicherer und bewährter Standard, der beispielsweise auch im Online-Banking verwendet wird. Eine sichere TLS-Verbindung erkennen Sie an dem an http angehängten s (d.h. https://..) in der Adressleiste Ihres Browsers oder an dem Schlosssymbol im unteren Bereich Ihres Browsers.", "If you would like to exercise your right to object, just send an email to datenschutzkoordination@zv.fraunhofer.de": "Wenn Sie Ihr Widerspruchsrecht ausüben möchten, senden Sie einfach eine E-Mail an datenschutzkoordination@zv.fraunhofer.de", "If you object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes, we will stop processing immediately. In this case, it is not necessary to state a special situation. This also applies to profiling insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising.":"Wenn Sie der Verarbeitung von Daten für Direktwerbung widersprechen, werden wir die Verarbeitung unverzüglich einstellen. In diesem Fall ist es nicht erforderlich, eine besondere Situation anzugeben. Dies gilt auch für das Profiling, soweit es mit solcher Direktwerbung in Verbindung steht.", "Wenn Sie Widerspruch einlegen, werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr verarbeiten, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihre Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen.":"Wenn Sie Widerspruch einlegen, werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr verarbeiten, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihre Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen.", "Sie haben das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten Widerspruch einzulegen, die auf Artikel 6 Absatz 1 Buchstabe e DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung im öffentlichen Interesse) und Artikel 6 Absatz 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung auf der Grundlage einer Interessenabwägung) beruht; dies gilt auch für ein auf dieser Bestimmung beruhendes Profiling nach Artikel 4 Nr. 4 DSGVO.":"Sie haben das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten Widerspruch einzulegen, die auf Artikel 6 Absatz 1 Buchstabe e DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung im öffentlichen Interesse) und Artikel 6 Absatz 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung auf der Grundlage einer Interessenabwägung) beruht; dies gilt auch für ein auf dieser Bestimmung beruhendes Profiling nach Artikel 4 Nr. 4 DSGVO.", "Informationen zu Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht gemäß Art. 21 DSGVO":"Informationen zu Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht gemäß Art. 21 DSGVO", "gemäß Art. 77 DSGVO bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren. In der Regel können Sie sich hierfür an die Aufsichtsbehörde an Ihrem üblichen Aufenthaltsort oder Arbeitsplatz oder unserem Firmensitz wenden.":"gemäß Art. 77 DSGVO bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren. In der Regel können Sie sich hierfür an die Aufsichtsbehörde an Ihrem üblichen Aufenthaltsort oder Arbeitsplatz oder unserem Firmensitz wenden.", 'Audio_Output':'Audioausgang', 'Audio_Input':'Audioeingang', } } } }, })