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<h4 class="fw-bold text-center me-4 ">{{t("Terms And Condition")}}</h4>
<p class=""><strong>{{t("Terms of Contract")}} </strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong>&nbsp;§ {{t("1 contracting parties; scope")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("The Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V., entered in the register of associations of the district court of Munich under register no. VR 4461, Hansastra&szlig;e 27c, 80686 Munich, Germany (&bdquo;Fraunhofer&rdquo;) engages in applied research and has developed certain software (&bdquo;Software&rdquo;) that it makes available to third parties (&ldquo;Licensee&rdquo;) who are not consumers as online access.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing (&ldquo;Contractual Terms&rdquo;) from Fraunhofer apply exclusively and regulate the contractual relationship between Fraunhofer and the licensee with regard to the use of the software. The terms of contract become part of the contract when the software is used.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Services from Fraunhofer for the software, be it support, maintenance or update services, are not part of the contract, but can be commissioned on the basis of a separate agreement with Fraunhofer.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("2 Subject matter of the contract; Handover")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("The software &ldquo;Mindboost&rdquo; enables the creation of an adaptive, harmonic soundscape to reduce acoustic disturbances in the office through an automatically created masking signal.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("A more detailed specification of the program's properties and the current system requirements can be found on the website. Fraunhofer supplies the software according to the specification. The agreed quality of the software results primarily from the description of the software. Fraunhofer does not owe any further quality of the software.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("3 license types")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("The license, which is free of charge as part of the beta test, is made available to the user for free access. Commercial use is not permitted.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("4 Transfer of the Software to Third Parties")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("The licensee is not entitled to rent, lease or otherwise commercially transfer the contractual software to third parties.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Resale of the software is not permitted.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("5 Changes to the contractual software, further developments")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("&Auml;nderungen der Software durch den Nutzer, die &uuml;ber die bestimmungsgem&auml;&szlig;en und in den begleitenden Unterlagen beschriebenen Anpassungen der Vertragssoftware an seine individuellen Bed&uuml;rfnisse hinausgehen, unterliegen den nachfolgenden Bestimmungen:")}}
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>{{t("The licensee is not permitted to change, edit, decompile, disassemble or reassemble or otherwise rework the contractual software or reproduce the results of such work. Any kind of inference from manufacturing stages of the software (reverse engineering) is not permitted.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Should the user wish for changes, modifications, processing or adjustments to the contractual software, Fraunhofer offers to conclude separate contracts.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Fraunhofer is entitled to the rights to all further developments of the contractual software insofar as these are based exclusively or predominantly on developments by Fraunhofer.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("6 Liability for Material Defects")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("Fraunhofer does not assume any liability for defects for software made available free of charge.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("7 Liability")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("Fraunhofer is not liable for damage caused by software made available free of charge.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("8 Nature and Scope of Support")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("Use of &ldquo;Mindboost&rdquo; does not entitle you to claim support.")}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("9 Privacy")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("The parties observe the applicable data protection regulations.&nbsp;")}}</li>
<li>{{t("In addition, reference is made to the content of Fraunhofer's data protection declaration, which the licensee can access under")}}<a href="" target="_blank"></a> {{t('can view and download.')}}</li>
<p><strong>§ {{t("10 Final Provisions")}}</strong></p>
<li>{{t("This contract is exclusively subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Changes and additions to this contract must be in writing. This also applies to a change in this written form requirement.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("This Agreement, including references and annexes, contains all agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all previous provisions agreed between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Additional agreements to this contract have not been made.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The parties agree to replace the invalid, void, or unenforceable provision with a valid, effective, and enforceable provision that most closely reflects the economic interests of the parties. This also applies in the event of a contractual gap.")}}</li>
<li>{{t("The place of performance is the headquarters of Fraunhofer in Munich, Germany. The risk passes to the licensee as soon as Fraunhofer has handed over the software.&nbsp;")}}</li>
<li>{{t("The German version of the contract is binding")}}.</li>
export default {
const { t } = useI18n()
const localePath = useLocalePath()
return {t,localePath}